
aha! Allergiezentrum Schweiz

In Switzerland three million people are affected by some form of allergy and intolerance. Allergies are based on a multi-layered interaction between a diversity of factors and influences. Well-informed and advised, these people are finding their way back to greater quality of life. aha! Swiss Allergy Centre supports you on this path.

aha! Allergiezentrum Schweiz

aha! Centre d'Allergie Suisse

Observatoire Romand et Tessinois de la Qualité de l’Air Intérieur (ORTQAI)

The principal mission of the ORTQAI is to document and evaluate the state of the air quality in builldings using a global approach. Respiratory  allergens can be considered as an important factor in air quality.


Public Health Schweiz

Public Health Schweiz ist ein unabhängiger, nationaler Fachverband, der sich für optimale Rahmenbedingungen für die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung in der Schweiz einsetzt.

Public Health Schweiz

International Association for Aerobiology 

The world-level scientific community for Aerobiology development. The SGA/SSA is an associated society of the IAA and is member of the Council.

International Association for Aerobiology

European Aerobiology Society

The European Aerobiology Society (EAS) is an international platform intended for the development of cooperation and sharing expertise in the field of aerobiology. The members of the EAS form an interdisciplinary community consisting of biologists, physicians, meteorologists, physicists, information technology professionals, and other proactive professionals seeking to reveal the peculiarities of airborne pollen and fungal spore and to use this knowledge to human and natural well-being.

European Aerobiology Society

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